Development History
School of Communication Science and Secretarial Study Tarakanita (formerly Tarakanita Secretarial Academy/Vocational Education Institution) is an educational institution that specializes in educating future secretaries and has achieved many accomplishments in the field of education in Indonesia. Its presence has contributed significantly to the development of skilled secretaries who are employed in various institutions and organizations. It has attained numerous achievements over the years.
The Tarakanita Secretarial Academy/Vocational Education Institution, known as Aksek/LPK Tarakanita, was established on January 10, 1968, in Pulo Raya, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. The establishment of this institution was not a spontaneous event. There were underlying factors that led to its creation. The existence of this educational institution is inseparable from the mission of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity St. Charles Borromeus, or the CB Sisters, who have been active in Indonesia for decades.
Sr. Emmanuella CB, who was the head of Tarakanita Senior High School in Pulo Raya, South Jakarta at that time, observed that education and the role of women in society were significantly lagging behind compared to men. Even if they completed high school, they lacked the necessary skills to enter the workforce. Mentally, they were not prepared to face the demands of a professional work environment. Consequently, they always lost out to men in various fields. As a result, they became marginalized in society. This reality touched Sr. Emmanuella CB’s heart and motivated her to take action. After all, women are also citizens who have equal rights and opportunities. Women should not be a marginalized group in global competition because they also have the potential to become professionals and compete with men. In fact, in certain types of work, their natural abilities as women cannot be replaced by men.
The secretarial field was one of the options with potential for development at that time. The government’s long-term and medium-term development policies, which focused on encouraging domestic and foreign investment in 1967, opened up numerous job opportunities, including for secretarial positions.
Together with several individuals who shared the same concern for women’s education, such as Mr. Antonius Mintorogo, M.Sc., Mr. Soewardi, Mr. AJ Soepeket Warsomisastro, Mr. Soedarsono, Mrs. M.F. Siti Askariah, Mr. Drs. Ronald Nuyten, Mrs. K. Soemardi, Mrs. Indiati Iman Sayoga, and Mrs. Maria Lusi Widiat, the idea of establishing an educational institution for future secretaries emerged. The envisioned institution aimed to create a professional workforce. This meant producing workers with strong practical skills, supported by sufficient knowledge and a mature personality. Personal maturity would be reflected in their attitude and behavior, adhering to professional ethics and possessing proper etiquette in daily interactions. The realization of these hopes and aspirations came to fruition on January 10, 1968, when the educational institution was officially launched.
From ‘LPK Tarakanita’ to ‘Aksek/LPK Tarakanita’
The Tarakanita Secretarial Academy/Vocational Education Institution or Aksek/LPK Tarakanita, which is now well-known throughout Indonesia since its establishment on January 10, 1968, was initially named the Tarakanita Vocational Education Institution or LPK Tarakanita. Since its inception, this educational institution has been providing secretary education, initially known as Office Secretary Education or Level A Education, with a duration of one year. It covers basic knowledge of secretarial work, skills, and personality education. In terms of skills, the coursework focuses on secretarial work and English language. These two skills are emphasized during the coursework as they are in high demand for employment in almost all companies in Indonesia. Graduates from this level can proceed to Level B (through selection) or directly enter the workforce.
At the beginning of the coursework on January 10, 1968, there were a total of 81 students divided into two classes, taught by 10 lecturers, and assisted by an administrative staff. The coursework took place in the building of Tarakanita High School (located on Jalan Wolter Monginsidi, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta) from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.
The pace of development was rapid. It turned out that office secretary education was not sufficient to meet the needs at that time. The market demanded higher qualifications for secretaries, beyond just office secretaries. Recognizing this demand, in 1969, the Director Secretary I Education or Level B Education was introduced. This level of education lasted for one year (two semesters) starting in January. The participants were those who passed the selection from Level A education. At this level, they studied deeper knowledge and skills. Therefore, in 1969, it expanded to four classes of Level I (Office Secretary Program) and one class of Level II (Director Secretary Program). Those who passed the examination in Level B education could either directly enter the workforce or continue to Level C education, which required a selection process.
To keep up with the development of the business world in Indonesia, characterized by increased foreign investment and the growing presence of foreign companies in Indonesia, secretaries require an enhancement of knowledge and skills in the field of secretarial work, including improved proficiency in foreign languages, especially oral and written English, communication skills, and other business-related knowledge. This realization prompted the educators and administrators of LPK Tarakanita at that time to acknowledge that a two-year education program for secretarial work was no longer adequate.
In response to this realization, in 1972, the Director Secretary II Education or Level C was introduced as a continuation of the Director Secretary I Education, with a duration of six months, consisting of two quarters starting from February. Therefore, the total duration for Director Secretary II education became two years and six months. Since 1977, the duration for Director Secretary II education has been reduced to one year, making the total duration for Director Secretary II education three years. The systems of education for Level A, Level B, and Level C all follow the terminal system.
Over the years, significant changes have occurred in this educational institution, not only in terms of physical aspects but also in the achievements of its alumni. The graduates who have spread across various institutions have helped elevate and enhance the reputation of LPK Tarakanita in society. It appears that this has motivated the founders and members of this institution to upgrade its status from a course center to a professional educational institution. As a result of these efforts, since 1978, the Tarakanita Vocational Education Institution (LPK Tarakanita) has been renamed the Tarakanita Secretarial Academy/Vocational Education Institution or more commonly known as Aksek/LPK Tarakanita. The educational activities in this institution are conducted using the Professional Higher Education System or the Non-Degree Higher Education System, based on the Decree of the Coordinator of Regional Kopertis II, Number 96 dated August 9, 1978, with a duration of six semesters or three years.
The development continued, and when Aksek/LPK Tarakanita reached its 15th anniversary, during the celebration of Tri Panca Warsa in 1983, the number of students had reached approximately 800 individuals, divided into nine Level I classes, six Level II classes, and five Level III classes. They were taught by 54 lecturers and supported by eight administrative staff.
In accordance with government regulations, since 1986, Aksek/LPK Tarakanita has implemented an education system based on Semester Credit Units (SCU), under the Director’s Decree Number 04/IIa/S/LPK/86 dated December 20, 1986.
Unlike the previous system where each/course was taught for one year, in the credit system, each course is completed within one semester, which consists of 16 to 18 weeks.
In addition to quantitative assessment, the credit system acknowledges that the completion of a study unit can also be evaluated quantitatively by assigning credit points to the respective unit. These credit points represent the weight of each course. Each course is assigned a certain number of credits determined by several factors, including the number of face-to-face meetings per week, the format of the meetings (lectures or practical sessions), and the field of study that allows for more face-to-face meetings, such as foreign language courses, for example.
Apart from conducting regular education programs as mentioned above, from 1969 to 1996, the Tarakanita Vocational Education Institution or Aksek/LPK Tarakanita also organized Upgrading Courses almost every year, in collaboration with various companies aiming to enhance the competencies of their secretaries.
From Aksek/LPK Tarakanita to School of Communication Science and Secretarial Study of Tarakanita or STIKS Tarakanita.
It is not sufficient to measure the quality of an educational institution solely based on the success of its educational programs, infrastructure and physical facilities, competent teaching staff, and comprehensive academic curriculum. It also depends on how successful the educational institution is in producing competent graduates who are absorbed in the job market. And, Aksek/LPK Tarakanita has successfully integrated all of these aspects.
The journey of Aksek/LPK Tarakanita can be considered a “success story.” All alumni of Aksek/LPK Tarakanita have proven their abilities, as they are always accepted in any institution. Alumni of Aksek/LPK Tarakanita are always in demand in the job market. They are spread across various companies, both private and public, national and multinational. Every year, there are always job offers for secretary positions for alumni of Aksek/LPK Tarakanita, either through advertisements or direct contact with the campus. This is undoubtedly an achievement and prestige.
However, as the saying goes, “It is more difficult to maintain than to conquer.” Aksek/LPK Tarakanita is aware of this. Amidst the intense competition, Aksek/LPK Tarakanita is determined to maintain its existing quality while continuously striving to seize new opportunities ahead. Nevertheless, Aksek/LPK Tarakanita will continue to ignite the spirit and determination in accordance with its motto to become the best and foremost in “Producing Professional Secretaries with Morals and Global Perspectives.”